The All-in-one software For Course Creators

Funnel building, automated email & sms marketing, course & community hosting, CRM systems & calendars.

This is what course master can do...

Funnel Builder

Course Hosting

Email Marketing

SMS Marketing

FB & IG Messenger

Automated Voicemails

On-Page Chat Widget

Advanced Automations

Phone Dialer Software

Calendar Scheduler

Review Campaigns

Native Video Hosting

Sales Pipelines

Unlimited Team Members

FB & Google Ads Dashboard

Form & Survey Builder

This is what course master can do...

Course Hosting

Funnel Builder

SMS Marketing

Email Marketing

Automated Voicemails

FB & IG Messenger


On-Page Chat Widget

Calendar Scheduler

Phone Dialer Software

Native Video Hosting

Review Campaigns

Unlimited Team Members

Sales Pipelines

Form & Survey Builder

FB & Google Ads Dashboard

Save up to $2,000/month...

This is what Course Master Replaces...

Start your 10-day free trial:

1 plan with everything included. No hidden fees.

Get started with a 10-day free trial. Cancel anytime.


or $997/year

  • First 10-Days Free

  • Unlimited Course Hosting

  • Automations & Workflows

  • Calendar & Appointment Booking

  • Funnel & Website Builder

  • Surveys & Form Builder

  • Blogging

  • Done-For-You Website Templates

  • FREE DNS & Email Deliverability Setup

  • SMS Follow-Up Sequences

Start your 10-day free trial:

1 plan with everything included. No hidden fees.

Get started with a 10-day free trial. Cancel anytime.


($997 annually)

  • First 10-Days Free

  • Unlimited Course Hosting

  • Automations & Workflows

  • Calendar & Appointment Booking

  • Funnel & Website Builder

  • Surveys & Form Builder

  • Blogging

  • Done-For-You Website Templates

  • FREE DNS & Email Deliverability Setup

  • SMS Follow-Up Sequences

  • Custom Branded Mobile App

  • Unlimited Sub-Accounts


Why is COURSE so cheap compared to other softwares?

We believe providing education should be available to everyone, no matter how much start-up capital they have. That's why we created our software.

We are proud to say that there are no other course creator software that offers the scope of features to such an affordable price.

Why do you only have one plan?

We believe in simplicity. Why have 3 different pricing plans when you can have one?

With our singular solution, you'll be able to utilize the full power of our software.

We wouldn't want it any other way.

Why should I create a course?

If you are an individual with a desirable skillset, why shouldn't you?

By providing affordable and easily available education to the masses, you are contributing to a higher level of competence among the global population.

All while being well compensated. You get what you give.

Can I sell multiple courses with this software?

Absolutely! You are able to create unlimited sub-accounts. One for each of your offers.

You can also use this software to provide all types of agency services, as long as there are leads involved.

How is this different than ClickFunnels?

Our software offers everything that ClickFunnels do, but also a whole lot more, for a cheaper price.

The funnel builder is extremely similar to ClickFunnels' so no learning curve needed if you're already familiar with the interface.


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© 2024 COURSEMASTER.CO - All rights reserved.